You are invited to read along and find out what a typical day at the EAS Studio is like. 7:30 am[...]
Tag: service
Expand a Sign – A truly global brand
In the past 20 years, we’ve sent our products to all 4 corners of the world. From major countries[...]
Not all banners are created equal…
Not all banners are created equal... Now there's some food for thought. Branding is an investment[...]
Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten
If you’re not one of our many satisfied customers that have trusted Expand a Sign since 1997[...]
Some news from our International Team
A focus on never letting a client down has always been a key for Jayden Dickinson. Whether that[...]
Why is branding important?
In this day and age, as a consumer, we are inundated with choices when selecting a product or[...]
Expand a Sign ♡ Go!Durban
A few days later, whilst attending an inspirational, brain-tingling brand strategy day at the[...]
Our Customers
Uzwelo and Expand a Sign have partnered with everyday local heroes to provide a range of bags that are not only functional and stylish, but change lives. It all started by realising that we can only make a real difference when we focus on what we can do, instead of what we can’t….
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